Rurelec PLC

Company Information

Company Information

Rurelec PLC Company Information

Company Name: Rurelec PLC
Registered and Head Office: 5 St. John’s Lane, London EC1M 4BH, England, United Kingdom
Place of Incorporation: England and Wales
Registered Number: 04812855
Legal Form of Company: Public Limited Company (plc)
VAT Number: 844 1452 38
Company URL:


Rurelec PLC Trading Information

FTSE ICB sector: Electricity
Admission date: 06 January 2006
FTSE Index: FTSE AIM All-Share, FTSE AIM All-Share - Utilities
Market: AIM
Market identifier code (MIC): AIMX
Trading service: SETSqx
Trading segment: ASX1
Listing category: -
Country of share register: GB
Exchange market size: 100,000
Takeover and Mergers: Rurelec PLC is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers
Main Country of Operation: Argentina but also developing a project in Chile.

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